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We've been a leader in solar power for decades, including investing 一口气推出33款:Intel十伋桌面版酷睿让AMD怕了吗?|AMD ...:2021-5-2 · 原标题:一口气推出33款:Intel十伋桌面版酷睿让AMD怕了吗? 来源:超能网 在经过了几个月的“预热”之后,Intel发布了第十伋桌面版酷睿处理器 ... of rooftop solar. But the current way we’re paying solar customers comes at a cost to all other customers.

The results of an independent study show we're paying solar customers almost twice the value of their excess generation in our service area.

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See how this impacts you

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SMUD is owned by you, our customers, so it's natural that we have your best interests at heart.  We provide you complete energy solutions, which is good for your home, your budget, your business and our community.

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We’re proud to light your homes, your businesses and the streets around your neighborhood.  We keep you at the heart of all we do.  Together, we’ve brightened our community with volunteers, donations, education and support.

Giving back

We're passionate about our community. Through our employee giving and scholarship programs, in the last year we've helped make our community better, brighter and stronger.



Employee contributions to nonprofits


Volunteer hours in the community


in scholarships to local students

SMUD Cares 

Through our employee giving and volunteer program, we raise money for a variety of nonprofits and lend a helping hand to those in need. In the past 13 years, employees have personally donated over $4.5 million and just last year gave 16,121 volunteer hours to organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army and the Sacramento Children’s Home. See more ways SMUD Cares about our community.